How To Start Over & Have The Good Life

have the good life

Are you ready for a change & have the good life? 

At some point you may be ready for a fresh start and you just want to know how to have the good life and start over.  Maybe you’ve had some events in your life where you just say, enough is enough.  

Dreaming of a new career change, or looking for a move to a new location?  Starting over and creating a new life means making some decisions, even making a few plans.  

So, how to start over? 

    • Let go of any baggage

To have a fresh start you should let go of anything holding you back.  Maybe you want to start a new job in a different state.  You may want to purge your possessions, sell, give away or trash some of your things.  Stuff is just stuff.  Start fresh in your new place.

    • Make A Game Plan 

Once you figure out where you want to be, then creating the steps on how to get there becomes much easier.  So, if you’ve decided to make that move to a new city, make a list of things to do for the move.  

    • Protect yourself both financially and physically

Saving rather than putting things on credit is a smart move. Even just a few dollars every week can add up.  Don’t rack up credit card debt.  

Yes, it’s always ideal to have 3-6 months in savings to tide your over in lean times, but the #1 thing to do is to ramp up your emergency fund.  Even if you have have the good lifecredit card debt it is still wise to have a minimum $1000 in savings for emergencies.  When the car breaks down or a household appliance fails, knowing you have the money to cover the emergency without putting it on credit is a powerful feeling.  

Not worrying about debt or living paycheck to paycheck allows you to concentrate on your goals of say finishing school or building that business. 

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    • Assess your skills

Take an inventory of your skills.  What are you good at?  What do you want to do?  Write everything down, don’t discount anything no matter how small you may think it is.  Whatever you do is an asset to someone.  Not sure what you’re good at?  Take time to reflect.  Find quiet time and free flow your ideas.  You’re full expertise, you just have to figure it out

    • Adaptability and Your Backup plan 

What happens when the airline cancels the flight and you need to be at your destination in 24 hours?  Can you think on your feet?  This has happened to me on more than one occasion and I had to think fast.  What will you do if something happens to you?  Who can you call?  Where will you go?  

    • Appreciate 

No matter how bad you think things may be there’s have the good lifealways something good too. Family and friends are important in your life.  When it looks like everything is going wrong. appreciate those around you.  We only have so much time in this planet, spend all the time you can with family and friends.  Those moments you can’t ever get back.  Appreciate those you love. 

Every day you wake up is a new day, a new opportunity to start over.  The future is not certain.  Think positive. Find your happiness and have the good life now. 


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