Business advice from dogs? Yes, really!
Believe it or not you can learn a lot from dogs even business advice. I must say, dogs are some of my favorite people. If you want to be happier at work and move ahead in your career, try to think more like a dog. Yes, for real!
Become Happier With Your Work:
- Show your enthusiasm. Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing and learn to love it. When you get frustrated or annoyed taking a step back and remember your WHY will be like a magic pill and get your back on track.
- Greet everybody, preferably with a smile. Having a positive attitude will make your day! Everyone will enjoy
being around you and you’ll enjoy your work much more.
- Greet everybody, preferably with a smile. Having a positive attitude will make your day! Everyone will enjoy
- Lend your support. Helping others just feels good. You have knowledge. Sharing that knowledge with others helps them and in turn works in your favor too. People will want to reciprocate if they can. Everyone needs support every now and then.
- Give early warnings. Peacefully express any dissatisfactions before they escalate and you “bite” someone’s head off. When you speak up tactfully it can clear up any misunderstanding and allow for a much more pleasant environment.
- Bounce back from conflicts. Learn to let go of any unpleasant experiences. Live in the moment. Feeling bad about something that didn’t go well isn’t doing anyone any good.
- Follow your instincts. Learn to trust your own instincts. Chances are when you listen to yourself you’ll discover more and more how right you are.
- Get plenty of sleep. Don’t you wish you could sleep whenever you wanted and not worry about a thing? You
may not be able to sleep your days away, but getting a good night’s sleep or even a nap every now and then will do wonders. When you’re well rested you can be at your best in both body and mind.
- Get plenty of sleep. Don’t you wish you could sleep whenever you wanted and not worry about a thing? You
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How to Advance in Your Business:
- Show off your accomplishments. Dogs are quite pleased with themselves when they please their owners in their training. You’re likely to respond much more with positive attention. Be proud of your accomplishments and don’t be afraid to say, “Yeah, I did that and I did it well”
- Follow the rules. A dog that knows what’s expected of him will follow the rules. Following the rules as a human makes life so much easier.
- Practice active listening. Anyone you interact with are bound to feel more valued when you take a sincere interest in them. Listen respectfully to what others may be able to teach you.
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- Persist. Have you ever seen a ”dog with a bone”? Or when it’s playtime. They don’t let that ball go. Persistence is a big part of success. Keep your eye on the prize and stay focused on the end goal.
- Contribute to the pack. Running with the pack is not conforming. It shows that you know how to be a team player. Working together towards a common goal often improves the outcome. “Two heads are better than one” and three heads are better than two. You can accomplish much more working with together than you ever could on your own.
Business advice from dogs! Dogs who chase their own tail in circles may not get you anywhere, but dogs are otherwise great role models for becoming more content and productive in business.
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Create A Business To Love
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