Easy Ways To Save Money: Christmas On A Budget

Save Money

7 Easy Ways to Save Money this Holiday

How do you plan to pay for Christmas this year? 

How do you usually celebrate the holidays?  Do you decorate and buy lots of gifts?  Do you usually save money throughout the year for the holidays or do you spend your last paychecks of the year on gifts?  Or maybe put it all on credit cards?

Think about Christmas five years ago.  Do you really remember the gifts you received?  Was it worth it going into debt for those gifts you probably don’t remember receiving?

If You Haven’t Planned Ahead, How Do You Pay For Christmas?

As Dave Ramsey says you should not be dipping into to your emergency fund for Christmas.  Christmas is not an emergency.  We know it happens every year at the same time. 

We should be able to plan and save money for the Holidays, but this year may be a little more challenging.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to plan for the holidays here’s some simple tips to save money this Christmas.

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Save Money

1. Have a Plan

Even though Christmas is right around the corner, it’s not too late to have a plan

    • Make a list of everyone you’re planning on purchasing gifts for.
    • Have you already purchased gifts or do you have any NEW, GOOD gifts you have around that you can re-gift.  
    • Put a limit on what you plan on spending for each person.
    • Instead of purchasing individual gifts for everyone maybe enlist the family on doing a secret santa holiday.
    • Look through the store sales ahead of time.

2. Juggle The Budget

If you have a small budget for Christmas gifts this year and want to increase it, where can you get more money from?  If you normally go out to eat or get your hair done often, consider cooking more budget friendly meals or skip a haircut and grow out your hair.  

Get a little creative!

3. Buy Your Kids Just One or Two Things

Christmas is about the thought not how many gifts are under the tree.  A bunch of extravagant gifts is not necessary.  Keep it simple.  An individual gift or two is just fine.  

4. Saving On the Christmas Tree

Every year Christmas tree prices are more and more expensive.  Consider an artificial tree that you can re-use year after year.  Or if a live tree is your tradition, then buy a smaller tree or wait until Christmas Eve when the prices are cheaper to get your tree.  

5. Bake or Make Your Own Gifts

A lot of people either don’t know how, or don’t bother Save Moneybaking anymore.  They would welcome a homemade, from scratch sweet treat.  

I must say I’ve never been given or baked a fruit cake and it doesn’t really sound all that appetizing, but I do make a mean chocolate chip cookie, and chocolate crinkles and fudge and sugar cookies.  

I’ve also been known to melt some chocolate and make some chocolate dipped pretzels.  Sprinkle on some nuts or peppermint and super easy and yummy. 

Bake some goodies and wrap them up in pretty packaging.  Walaaa, a perfect gift.

 * You can get a ton of great ideas from Pinterest.

6. Make Some Extra Cash

Nowadays there’s lots of ways to score some extra cash.  Try some of these ideas for some extra cash: 

    • Sell some old stuff on Craigslist or Ebay
    • Babysitting when others need a night out
    • Decorate or wrap gifts for others 
    • Take care of the neighbors pets
    • Bake and sell Christmas cookies
    • Sell your crafts 
    • Teach a second language
    • Rent out a room
    • Do some ride sharing with Lyft or Uber
    • Deliver food or meals 
    • Start a business

With a little thought you can come up with an idea to add to your Christmas budget!

7. Celebrate the Season Making Save MoneyMemories

Christmas doesn’t have to be all about presents. Spending time together and making lasting memories is amazing.  

      • Make gingerbread houses
      • Have fun creating paper snowflakes 
      • Write a new holiday song, teach and sing it to the family 
      • Have a movie marathon
      • Make snow angels
      • Play board games.  Buy a board game for the entire family and make Christmas about spending time together and having fun. 
      • Play football together 
      • Go for a drive to see all the Christmas lights 
      • Make homemade Christmas ornaments 
      • Create your own new tradition 

It’s really easy to spend too much because you enjoy seeing your family’s smiles come Christmas,  but  is it really worth it to go into debt and taking months and months to pay it off? 

Christmas on a budget doesn’t have to be painful.  The best Christmases are about the memories.  

What other tips do you have for saving money for the holidays?

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