What is a Dream? What is YOUR Dream?

Today I want to talk about dreams

Create the life of your dreams.

What is your dream?  Not the sleep kind of dreams, the awake dreams.  The dreams you had when you were a kid.  The dreams you have when you’re “lost in space” staring out the window.  It’s possible to create the life of your dreams.

You may think a dream is one of those unattainable things, or only for the lucky few.  Everyone talks about Dreams, but when was the last time you dreamed?  When was the last time you had fun or did you just think about having fun or imaged yourself somewhere else? Can you think of a time when you imagined your wildest, happiest dream?

Who are you with? 

Who do you want to be with? 

Where are you?

What are you doing? 

Are you sitting on a beach watching the sunset with your partner sipping a cocktail?

Are you flying in a plane, not as a passenger, but as the pilot in your very own plane?

Maybe you’re jumping out of that perfectly good plane, just because you can.

Maybe you’re swimming with dolphins, or feeding wild giraffes on safari.

Maybe you found your perfect partner or you’ve just had your first child.

Maybe you’ve written your first book and it’s wildly successful.

Are you sitting at the helm of your successful business?


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What is Your Dream?

Create the life of your dreams.

Why aren’t you living your dreams?

Do you know what you want to Create?

Do you know what your Dream is?

Do you want a career or business you love?  Have you a dreamed of starting your own business?  Do you want to travel? Find a partner to live your life with? Have children?

What is Your Dream?

What is it that you really, really want?

Maybe, living your wildest dream is scary.  What has happened in the past where you’ve decided you’re not going after your dreams? What if it comes true?  … You could fail.  Are you afraid of failing, getting rejected or not even trying?

But if you succeed, then what?

Think about it.  You can continue to stay safe where you are or you can step out and create the life of your dreams.

There’s a few things you can do to help you figure out and achieve your dreams.  Don’t chase dreams.  Don’t follow your dreams, Go out and grab them.

Dream big!

Create the life of your dreams.

Steps to help you chase your most unrealistic dreams

      1. Get clear on what you want.

How do you get clear on what to do?

Simply asking yourself: What am I passionate about? What am I excited about?

These simple questions can help you get clear on creating a dream.

Take 15 minutes of your time, sit down with no distractions and free flow ideas.  Don’t analyze or judge.  Make a small list of dreams you could achieve for free or that cost very little.  Something you can accomplish in the next 7 days. Be specific.

      1. Believe it.

Pick one dream that you can easily achieve and will be FUN.

Now the hard part: Make an appointment to achieve your dream.  Add the appointment to your calendar and tell someone who will hold you accountable.

      1. Take action.

The best part:  Live your dream!  Share it with your family or friends or by yourself.  Have fun, take photos.  Enjoy Life!

Your dreams won’t come true if you don’t Dream.  Dream and dream often.  It’s worth it, you’re worth it.

Doing things and living a happy life is a right.  Create the life of your dreams!  It’s ok to Start Living a Big Life now.

Go for it.

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Create A Business To Love

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