Should You Write Business Thank You Notes?
When I was a kid anytime I received a birthday gift or money my mother insisted I send a thank you card. I continued that tradition with my own kids. Interestingly one day I had a conversation with my grandmother and she said of all her great grandkids mine were the only ones that sent a thank you. I was actually quite surprised to hear that, but it does ring true.
The simple written ‘thank you’ seems to have gone away. Very rarely when I give a gift do I receive a written thank you. And this is the same in the business world.
As a business grows, sometimes business owners get lost in all the tasks of running the business and they tend to forget the most important part of their business – the customers.
Without making an extra effort the business can become just another impersonal, heartless business. As a customer, you’re just a number.
Customers are important.
Facts are, acquiring customers is difficult and cost more. Once a business has acquired a customer it’s much easier to maintain and develop a relationship where they will continue to do business.
It is better to keep customers than keep on spending money on trying to get new customers.
If you have a service business, some of your time every month should be spent on making courtesy calls to existing customers to check on them and thank them for their business. A simple thanks goes a long way. Your customers will be pleased you took an interest in them. And who knows that call may turn into additional sales.
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Why Send A Thank You
First, when they make any purchase a simple thanks would be appreciated. When was the last time you made a purchase and you weren’t thanked? How did that make you feel? A simple thank you will probably have you come back again. Appreciation is nice and it means a lot to a customer.
Second, believe it or not, you should thank any customer when they complain regarding a service issue. A complaint is feedback. Feedback is the opportunity to change and improve.
Third, thank those that refer potential customers to you. Some businesses rely on referrals. If you forget to thank the person who has been referring customers to you they may stop sending potential customers to you. And this could be a big financial loss for your business.
Fourth, don’t take for granted loyal customers. They deserve appreciation from time to time too. It is critical to thank long term customers. Keep in mind that they like anyone else, enjoy feeling appreciated. Thus, sending a regular thank you card or note should be a part of your regular practices.
A written thank you card or letter is great, but there are other ways to say thank you too. Send an email or even thank them in person. How can you stand out from all the others? Any card with handwritten notes is unique these days. Remember, your competitor is just around the corner. Set yourself apart by making THANK YOU part of your regular business duties.
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