When To Quit Your Job To Build Your Dream

quit your job

Do You Dream Of Quitting Your Job?

Many people dream of the day when they can say bye bye to their 9 to 5.  They may feel unappreciated, or been passed over for a promotion.  Maybe they’re tired of making their boss rich while they live paycheck to paycheck. 

Being overworked and underpaid is mentally and physically exhausting.  

When is the right time to quit your job to pursue your business? 

A while back I was listening to a successful business person and he related a story about when he quit his menial job.  He was saying how when he quit, his boss asked him how he could leave his “secure” job.  This business person said he put his arm around his boss and said, “I found a way to up my income, I suggest you up yours” 

Now this may not be the most ideal way to quit, but it was a good laugh. 

Do you need to quit your job to pursue your dream? 

How do you quit when the time is right? 

Even if you hate your job, quitting isn’t easy.  People sometimes stay far too long because the idea of not having a regular paycheck to count on is scary. 

Maybe the perfect time to quit your job and work full-time on your business is when your business can afford to pay you an equivalent salary.

Although one of the more important reasons to keep your day job is the steady paycheck, deciding when to leave your job isn’t always about money. Other things should be considered too. 

Related Articles: 
Lots Of Reasons To Quit Your Job 
26 Reasons to Start Your Own Home Business

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The decision to quit your job is a very personal decision and everyone has their own reasons when it’s right for them.  

quit your job


Why do you want to start a business in the first place? 

Having a clear plan and goals is a great start.  

If you know where you’re going and how you plan to get there will help you stay on track to reach those goals.  


If you have a full-time job but your full-time business is taking up so much time that you’re so exhausted, something will have to go.  It may be time to quit your job. 

Quitting your job may be one of the toughest decisions you make, but dreading Monday morning every week to go to your job and being depressed is no way to live life either.  

When the time comes to leave your job, do it with dignity.  Don’t burn any bridges.  Treat others the way you would want to be treated.  It’s the right thing to do. 

You’ll know when it’s time to quit your job. 

If you have a dream to be your own boss, make a plan to live that dream. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed.  

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