The American Dream – Win the Lottery

american dream

The American Dream is alive and well. 

Nowadays, the American Dream for many people is winning the lottery.  They think about it, talk about and dream about it.  To win the lottery seems like it could answer all your problems, but the fact is most people that do win end up going broke and even filing for bankruptcy. 

Way back when the American Dream used to be ‘40 acres and a Mule.’  Today, when I hear about people talking about their american dreamdreams, many times their dream is of winning the lottery and what they’d do with all the money.  As if winning money will solve all their problems.  They dream of what they would do if they had $1 million.   They’d buy themselves a car, a house, a home for their mother, and so on.

They complain about their job, or living paycheck to paycheck or the government.  You name it. 

They do very little to change their current situation they are so unhappy about, instead hoping or praying for some cash to fall in their lap. 

Most people don’t want to take responsibility.

“The American Dream is independence and being able to create that dream for yourself” ~ Marsha Blackburn

Recently the Mega lottery reached over a billion dollars.  Many people were flashing their tickets on Facebook and even saying they would split the winnings with others if they shared their post.  We all know statistically the chances are slimmer than slim of winning the lottery, but still people buy that ticket.


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american dream

Winning the mega millions could be fun, but relying on that as a sure thing is simply unrealistic. 

An alternative to hoping to win the lottery, would be to take strides to make positive changes.  It’s not always easy, but everyday is an opportunity for a new start.

What can you do?

You can either, wish and hope and pray or you can take charge of your life.

Taking responsibility of the direction of your life is not a difficult concept. Face your financial situation, your relationships, your life and make a decision to take control of your life and quit wishing for the improbable.

I don’t know of a single person that has won the lottery, but I know many, many people who have achieved an American Dream of their own by starting their own online business.  They started from nowhere and became millionaires from their own efforts. 

Face your problems and find your own solution, instead of possibly ,maybe or never winning the lottery. 

One of my favorite TV shows is Shark Tank.  Everyday people pitch their business and believe in what they’re doing.  The Sharks themselves are self-made millionaires. 

They faced challenges and obstacles and make successes of themselves.

If they can rely on their own selves, why can’t you?

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Instead of putting all your hopes to win the lottery, isn’t it time to create your own American Dream?

Instead of wishin & hopin for the improbable, why don’t you american dreamstart a side hustle?  Tired of making your boss rich?  Tired of the hassles of your j.o.b?  Maybe, start relying on your own efforts to make some money so you can do even more of what you’d really like to do.  Take back control. 

What do you love to do?  What are your hobbies?

Do you love animals or travel?  Combine both, house sit and pet sit.  You can go to great places and take care of people’s pets when they go on vacation.

Do you like to write?  Start a blog.

Maybe you can start simply and clean out your closets, put some things on ebay, Facebook marketplace or any other auction sites.

You are the master of your own destiny.  Go out and create your own American Dream! 


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