How To Finally Reach Your Smart Goals

reach your goals

Setting Smart Goals

Setting smart goals in life is important, but they are nothing if you don’t follow through with them. Setting the goals is the first step of the process while doing it is the ongoing process.

I’ve never been one to set New Year’s resolutions.

I have, however worked on accomplishing smart goals I set.

Without a plan, setting goals seems more like making wishes and hoping they come true.

Here are 7 things you can do to reach your goals.

1.  Envision your dreams

Close your eyes.  See your dream already accomplished! The best way to stay motivated is to envision what your life, what your business will be like in detail. What does success mean to you? Is it money? Does success mean giving back? Or is it mentoring others? Set some goals so you know where you’re going and can easily envision them when times get tough. If you can be faithful to your dreams and stay true to your goals you will have a better chance at accomplishing them.

2.  Surround yourself with successful people

There is a belief that you are who you hang around with. You are as rich as your five closest friends. If your closest friends complain and criticize, maybe it’s time to find new friends. Who wants to be around negative people? If you can surround yourself with successful people you will pick up tips, advice, and an overall attitude that you can and will succeed with your company.

3.  Listen to motivational tapes or videos

Listening to motivational tapes or videos and attending motivational events, listening to motivational speakers will help you gain confidence


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reach your goals

for more info in yourself and become fearless of the task that lies ahead of you. There are no excuses these days. You don’t have time? I say you do. Your smart phone is the best computer these days with the many different apps or websites you can listen to YouTube on your phone while your driving, getting ready in the morning or simply taking a bath. There are thousands of motivational audio or videos at your fingertips for FREE. We are in the information age. So soak it up and listen, in the car or getting ready for work or anytime. NO time like the present.

4.  Become an expert at what you do

Studying or practicing just one hour a day, over time you will be an expert. Presentation skills is a great skill to master. Practice, practice, practice and you will be a pro in no time.

5.  Avoid all bumps in the road

You are going to come across people saying you can’t do it or you gave it your all. Go back to tip #2. Surround yourself with positive, successful people. To accomplish your dreams and have success you have to put negative people and their words behind you. These are simply distractions and bumps in the road that will try to get you off course. Stay focused on your goals in life and you’ll achieve what you want.


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6.  Keep your priorities straight

Having success requires your full attention, not half the time or some of the time. If you want to have success and want to have a fulfilling life, stay focused and keep your priorities straight.

7.  Go over your goals EVERY DAY!!!

You should get in a habit of reviewing your goals on a daily basis so you know exactly what needs to be done. Every time you accomplish a goal, cross it off the list and move on to the next goal. Your list is not set in stone by any means, so if needed don’t be afraid to update or add to the list. If you know what your smart are and see them repetitively, you will be more apt to achieve them.

These are just a few of the things you can do to assure yourself of attaining your smart goals. Every day you will come across negative people with negative comments. However, if you can maintain a positive attitude and envision your dreams you will find yourself on the right path towards an accomplished company.

Commit to your smart goals, no matter what and your Life will be yours!

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