How To Know If Your Job Is Killing You & Reasons To Quit Your Job
Have you just been looking for a reason to quit your job? It’s early morning and the alarm starts to ring. You feel this painful feeling deep inside you, as you realize it’s time to go to work. You wonder if it’s normal to feel this way. Once in a while, maybe but if this is your story each and every morning, it could be a sign that your job is killing you. It can also be referred to as “’occupational burnout’’.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “occupational burnout” can be explained as “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and reduced professional efficacy.” Oftentimes you may even feel extreme physical and emotional problems.
Some physical symptoms of Job Stress and reasons why you want to quit your job :
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure – when you think of something related to work.
- Gastric issues – Including peptic ulcers followed by frequent discomfort in your lower abdomen.
- Back pain – Due to the nature of the work you may experience lower back pain.
- Carpal tunnel issues – Frequent usage of the keyboard and mouse has been linked to carpal tunnel syndrome, and the symptoms are numbness and tingling sensation in the arm or hand.
- Problems with reproductive health – Decline in sperm production in men, and hormonal imbalances in women, which can cause miscarriage and infertility.
- Frequent headaches such as migraines.
- Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep– This can cause irritability, low concentration and mood disturbances at work.
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Emotional symptoms of Job stress and reasons to quit your job :
- Frequent mood swings such as irritability, anxiety, feeling hopeless and sad.
- Low concentration– making frequent mistakes, or poor performance.
- Restlessness – if you always find yourself unable to sit through the day at work it could be a sign of job stress.
- Feeling dreadful when you think of work or co-workers, and unable to imagine yourself working at this job in future, this is a major sign that your job is killing you.
- Excessive usage of cigarettes, alcohol or junk food and binge eating to cope with the stress and pain related to work.
If the above list of physical and emotional reasons aren’t enough reasons to quit your job then consider:
- How secure is your company and what is the corporate culture like? Are there lots of cutbacks? Are employees fearful of losing their jobs? Is the company at risk of going bankrupt?
- Your current life situation. Perhaps you’ve had some recent life changes, a new baby or marriage. Maybe your current salary or benefits just don’t fit with what you need. It may be time for a change.
- You’re not having fun. You wake up every morning dreading going to work because it’s no fun. Time to do some inner soul searching and decide what’s next.
- You’re unchallenged and want more responsibility. There may be no opportunities at your current company to advance. You’ve explored all you can and your options are limited, it may be time to move on.
- What does your gut say? The best decision you can make is listen to your gut instinct. Deciding to quit can be stressful but the feeling you get once you are true to yourself can be the best feeling of all.
If you can relate to any of the signs and symptoms above, then it might be the time to quit your job and find other work before this job deteriorates your health and mind even more.
Once you make the design to move on, resign gracefully. It’s important not to burn any bridges. Remember how you would want to be treated, and tread others with the same respect.
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