Practical Tips To Achieve A Positive Mindset

positive mindset

Positive Mindset!

What’s that?  How can one stay happy, positive and motivated?  Wherever you turnaround there is news of wars, out of control governments, homelessness, lost jobs, sick people, car crashes and on and on and on… The list seems never ending, and depressing.  Even the current politics puts many people at odds.    If you want to be even more successful than you are happy and positive is a state you want to be in.

Think Positive

Yeah sure, that’s all there is to it.  Think positive It is easier said than done, they say.  It actually is easier than you think, it’s easy to have a positive mindset.

Try being optimistic.  Most of the the time, there is something good in any given situation.  I’m dating myself, but I remember the Brady Bunch episode when they all went to Hawaii on vacation and they thought they were cursed.  Greg slammed his flip flop in the door and it broke in two and he was upset.  Peter stepped up and said, “Look on the bright side”.  “What’s the bright side” Greg exclaimed.  “At least your foot wasn’t in it” said Peter.  That is certainly one way to look at it.  You can either be upset your shoe is broken or you can look on the bright side.  The choice is up to you.

There is a upside to most situations.  They are all around us.  People prefer the positive.  You’d probably rather be around the person who is the life of the party, than the person who’s complaining about the food or complaining about their miserable life or just moping around.

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positive mindset

Putting the Power of Positive Thinking to Work in Your Everyday Life

Whether you agree or not, you attract what you put out there, what you think about.  Think about what a terrible day you’re about to have and watch what happens.  How does your day turn out?   On the other hand, wake up on the “right” side of the bed, with a goal of having a great day.  You’re can see the good in most situations.  Because positive thinking can be very powerful and by putting it to work in your life; you can reap the positive benefits.

How to have a Positive Mindset

    • Smile or Laugh: As they say, it takes less muscles to smile than to frown.  Have you ever watched a silly cat video or a baby laughing?  It seems so trivial, but that laughing baby is contagious and you can’t help but smile or laugh.  How does it make you feel?  Smile or laugh out loud, it brings about endorphins and your production of the stress hormone cortisol may be reduced.  While there have been cases where sick people have cured themselves with laughter there are times when bad things happen when you’re in a bad mood.  It just makes you feel good and brightens your day.  So go ahead and laugh.
    • Use Positive Words: Remember the old saying, “sticks and stone can break your bones…”?  If words can hurt, they can also help.  Especially positive words like, love, peace, happy, etc. can change our mood and can even affect our brain.  Think twice about the words you use and how you may put a positive spin on what you really want to say.
    • Visualization: Visualization is good for anyone.  Just maybe you can put yourself in a peaceful and relaxed state.  When you close your eyes you can transport yourself to that warm, sunny beach.  See and hear the sound of the waves crashing on the sand.  You hear seagulls soaring overhead looking for scraps.  See all the beautiful people enjoying their time.  The more detail you put into your visualization makes it even more fun to imagine a time or a place where you could be living your dream.  So go on, imagine and take yourself away to a magical place.
    • DO things that make you happy:  In addition to smiling, laughing, visualizing and using positive words DO things that make you happy.  Your day is busy enough, if don’t make time for fun you’re stressing yourself out.  Having fun should be a priority.  Go for a walk or to a sporting event.  Play a game or make a craft.  If you think you don’t have time, make time.  Your body will thank you.  Less stress makes for a happier and healthier you.  If the idea of taking leisure time stresses you out, you can even have fun cleaning the house.  Make it a game.  Crank up the music, whoever finishes first or by a certain time gets a reward.  Be creative.  Just have Fun.  So don’t worry, be happy.

Therefore, smile more, love more, dream more and just DO it!

In conclusion, by practicing being positive you’ll see how it becomes easier and easier to see the opportunities and soon you will see abundance and success all around in your life.

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