How To Stay Positive In A Negative World


10 Ways to Positive Living 

We have choices in life to be positive or not.  A good friend will happily listen to you vent or complain.  But when all you do is complain and complain it gets old super fast. 

The choice to be positive can affect your physical and mental health as well as your emotions. It has an impact on how you can also either raise or lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and stress levels.

If all you see is the negative in everything, then things usually become more difficult. You may get sick easily, find yourself in difficult situations and chances are no one will want to be around you if all you’re always negative.

Thinking negative makes it harder for you to enjoy the little things in life and probably the big things too. Focusing only on the negative, or blaming everything that goes wrong actually takes a lot of effort. If you any of the above, then you’re setting yourself up for failure even before you start.

But anyone can choose positivity in their lives. The power of positive thinking may seem a bit cliché, but it really does wonders for your self-esteem, overall mood and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

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Here are 10 ways to help you approach life with more positivity.

    1. Turn failures into lessons: No one is perfect.  Thinking everything must be perfect will make you feel stuck.  You are going to make mistakes.  Rather than focusing on your failure, learn from it.  What went wrong?  Or try something different to see how the outcome may be better.   
    2. Find positive friends: Positivity is contagious.  It may be difficult to distance yourself from negative friends, but constantly being around negativity is exhausting.  Surrounding yourself with people who are grounded and upbeat helps you maintain a positive outlook. Choose your friends wisely.
    3. Be thankful: Each night before going to bed, write down 3 things you’re grateful for. It may be as small as a great cup of coffee or something bigger as getting your work done on time at work. Make it a habit and you’ll soon realize it’s become part of your daily routine.
    4. Surround yourself with humor: Laughter can turn around your mood in no time.  Watching stand-up comedy or funny movies opens you up to laughter which signals the brain to release ‘feel good’ hormones. This good mood reduces stress and allows you to see the silver lining, even in the most difficult of situations. 
    5. Assess what you’d like to change:  Chances are you’d love to change something in your life. Most people don’t like change.  They find it hard to do at first.  After a few attempts you’ll feel empowered. Maybe you dread going to your job.  Maybe you want to move or need a new car, but fear is holding your back from changing.  Once you 
    6. Positive affirmations:  Anytime you can fit in some positive affirmations into your day is a good time. Positive affirmations reinforce positive behaviors and goals.  Pessimists tend to start their day worrying and thinking about everything that can go wrong.
    7. Flip the negative thoughts: Whenever negative thoughts creep in, flip the switch.  There’s often a good side to a bad situation.  What is that?  It may take some practice at first, but practice and look for the good.  I remember watching a re-run of the Brady Bunch.  (I’m paraphrasing) Greg slammed his flip flop in the door and cut his flip flop in half.  Greg was upset, but Peter said, “Look on the bright side”  Greg said annoyed,  “What’s that?”  Peter replied.  “At least your foot wasn’t in it”  Whenever something seems grim, what can you learn or what’s good about the situation?  
    8. Find something you love to do: Life is meant to be enjoyed.  Find a hobby, read a book, go to the beach or a park.  Play with puppies. What makes you happy?  Take some time to smell the roses, follow a butterfly, enjoy your day.   
    9. Live a healthy lifestyle:  Healthy food and exercise like yoga or walking adds to a healthy life.  Eat good foods, exercise on a regular basis  and you’ll see a boost in your mood. 
    10. Perfect Practice, makes Practice Perfect:  Practice what you do well over and over again and you’ll be amazing at what you do. The more you do it well, the better you’ll be at it.

Life is full of the unexpected.  Sometimes it’s not so easy and we may get overwhelmed. It’s up to us to choose how we’ll react or head with what comes our way. You can decide whether you’ll have a positive outlook or grumble and complain.  It’s up to you. 


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