How To Reprogram Your Brain For Success


Hack Your Brain For Success

As you navigate through life on your way to success, your thoughts and beliefs play an important role.  If you’re not where you want to be you can change your life by changing and improving your brain.  

“When I look at the human brain I’m still in awe of it.” Ben Carson

The brain is highly structured, but it is also extremely flexible. It’s not a blank slate, but it isn’t written in stone, either. Alison Gopnik

Do you have limiting beliefs? 

What stories were you fed when you were a kid that you never questioned?

Have you noticed certain viewpoints block your growth and progress?

You do not have to live by old ways of thinking.  You can change how your brain operates by using daily habits to reprogram your brain for success.

Being positive is a great first step.  Positive thoughts release serotonin which makes you feel good.  Simply choosing more positive thoughts is not enough.

If you want to change your brain following daily habits to lead to success. 


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success tips

Try these tips to reprogram your brain and change your life:  

    • What do you want?  It is helpful to know what you do want AND what you don’t want.  Once you know what you do not want, it becomes much easier to figure out what you DO want. Be specific and learn to think BIG.  Your goals should be a little scary, but will be well worth it when you achieve it. 
    •  Have a goal?  WRITE IT DOWN.  It is well known that once goals are written down they become more tangible.  You have a written, daily reminder of what you’re looking to accomplish.  Behavior and action become easier to accomplish if you have a destination in mind. 
    • In addition to written goals, journaling is an extremely useful tool.  When you journal you can certainly write down long term goals, but you can write down short term goals, to do lists, and thoughts and feelings about your day.  
    • Visualization:  Daydream.  Your brain can believe what you show it.  Either let life happen to you or bring pictures into your mind and create a movie in your brain on how you want a situation to develop.  Be as clear as you can be.  Bring in vivid colors, smells, people, places, anything you want the outcome to be.  Involve your emotions.  How do you feel about the outcome?  Imagine how wonderful your goal will feel when you accomplish it.
    • Practice meditation:  Before you say you don’t have time, I’ll say, “Yes you do”  You can find 10 or 15 minutes. You’re worth it.  If it’s important to you, you’ll make the time.  A few minutes of quiet time or guided meditation will improve your brain.  Many of our histories geniuses received their most clever ideas when they detached and took time to be quiet.  They downloaded their brilliant ideas when they were silent. It’s a great time for self-reflection and mindfulness and helps to promote positive positive neural pathways. 
    • Use positive affirmations throughout your day:  Write a positive affirmation in lipstick on your mirror so you see it everyday when you brush your teeth.  Post notes all over your house of positive affirmations.  Take it up a notch and phrase your affirmation as a question like, “How can I be even more successful?”  A question phrased like this presumes you’re already successful and you brain will want to work out how to be EVEN MORE successful.  Also, your brain wants to naturally answer that question and you’ll discover something you may not have thought of before.  For affirmation examples read our article on:  
    • Practice gratitude:  When you wake up in the morning or before going to sleep at night simply think of 5 things you’re grateful for.  I’m sure you can think of more.  Make it a daily practice.  Gratitude is powerful. 

Hopefully you can use some of these tips to help reprogram your brain for success in areas of your health, wealth, and happiness. 

To your success,

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