How Are You Already Marketing On The Internet?

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing: 

Take a moment to think about your Internet marketing footprint.  What do you do to promote your business?  Do you plan out your activities or do you wake up and see what the day holds?  

You’re likely already marketing and in ways you don’t even know.  

Do you have a website for your business? 

As a business owner marketing your product or service online through your own website is one of the first choices people make. A website can be simple or very detailed depending on your business strategy.

How much time do you spend on social media?

Do you spend any amount of time on social media?  Almost everyone does.  How you conduct yourself says who you are.  Internet Marketing

How many times have you received any unsolicited advice, friend request or comment?  Pretty annoying isn’t it?  Unsolicited activity is not Internet marketing, it’s just plain spam.  Developing real relationships online is possible and can help your business grow.

What about a blog?  

A blog is a great way to expand your brand and your reach.  Having a blog allows you to provide valuable content and to develop a relationship with potential customers.  

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Internet Marketing

Do you participate in message boards? 

Internet marketing with message boards have been around for a very long time.  People look for help and seek advice.  Spending time on message boards, answering questions can be time well spent.  Including your signature line with your contact info and website in your post can establish yourself as an expert. 

Do you research and include keywords in the content of your website? 

Maybe you didn’t know about this in the beginning, but once you’ve been Internet Marketingaround the online world you begin to learn about keywords.  When you incorporate keywords in your content, you’re marketing.

Keywords optimizes your website for the search engines.  Called SEO – search engine optimization.  Using keywords is natural, but when you learn a little more about SEO and apply it, your website will gain free traffic when someone searches.  It’s worth a little time to learn a thing or two about SEO. 

Do you ask for feedback or comments from your customers online? 

Asking for comments or feedback is a perfect example of how business owners may be accidentally marketing their business online. 

When soliciting and listening to that feedback, business owners can optimize and improve their business.  

Internet marketing is a necessary practice for any online business.  Accidently marketing is one thing, but putting together a marketing plan can be much more productive for your business.


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