How To Use Haters & Unsupportive People To Fuel Your Online Business
There’s always someone that has something negative to say about online business and life. Maybe they don’t like you or are just miserable with their own life or they’re jealous. Whatever the reason they don’t deserve your time or energy.
Haters hide behind their computer screens, criticize others and generally don’t have anything worthwhile to contribute. If you let them, haters and unsupportive people can drain your energy and kill your dreams.
However, haters and unsupportive people aren’t going away. They’ll always be around, so it’s a good idea to learn how to handle them and fuel your online business.
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What Can You Learn?
Is there a small chance that they are offering some constructive criticism? Is there any bit of information that you can use to make positive adjustments in your online business? If there’s any bit of useful information take and and run with it, otherwise toss all the negative comments.
Ignore Them
That pretty much says it all. Ignore the comments. You can politely ask them to stop, but if that fails, don’t engage. Block or delete them from your social media if you must.
It may be hard if you have an unsupportive family member or friend, but they don’t have the same vision as you. Make an agreement to not discuss your business when you get together. Enjoy each other as family and leave it at that.
Everyone has haters. Even the most popular celebrity. You really cannot please everyone all the time. Ignore the haters.
Success Is The Best Revenge
If you have haters, chances are you’re doing something right. Take action and work hard on your online business. Know where you’re going. Let the haters motivate you to keep on moving forward. You’ll leave them in the dust with your success.
Be true to yourself and live the life you want. You don’t need anyone’s approval to be successful. Believe in yourself and your dreams and you won’t need anyone else’s opinion.
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