Who would love to work at home?
Employees in the corporate world may dream of a work at home schedule. Management often spouts corporate mumbo jumbo like “work life balance”. What does “work life balance” really mean? Can one really fit the family in around their job? I’ve heard the “work life” phrase many a time and it didn’t always sit well.
Many times employees in a traditional 9 to 5 job have to call in sick to go to their kids school activity or get hassled if they take an extra five minute break.
The dream of a work at home schedule may then become more than a dream. The search for a work at home job, freelance or entrepreneurship may then become a bigger priority.
Freelance is not only attractive to help manage a work at home schedule but it can be quite lucrative too.
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Benefits of an Entrepreneur or Freelancer:
Freedom to choose projects and/or clients
If you don’t like the job you don’t have to take it. You’re independent and you can pick and choose what you want to do. Same goes for clients, if you have a difficult client you don’t have to work with them.
Flexibility & Location
Live the laptop lifestyle. The freedom to work anywhere, anytime sounds divine. The feeling you get knowing you can work at home or at the beach makes the laptop life a benefit that many people desire.
An Opportunity To Earn More
Usually in a traditional job the amount of money you can make is capped by how many hours you put in. You get paid for your time. Entrepreneurs have the possibility of making more money than doctors or lawyers.
Make it work for you
There’s no one right or wrong answer for those who choose a work at home schedule. Everyone is different. What time works best for you? Are you freshest in the morning? Tackle your more challenging work then. Maybe you’re a night owl or work when your partner is home in the evening.
Once you do succeed and are able to work at home, you do still have to work and your family thinks if you’re home you should be at their beck and call. It’s important to set boundaries with your family and stick to them.
Most of the time when they interrupt you it could have waited. Set expectations ahead of the time when you will take a break and can give them your undivided attention. If your pre-teen attempts to interrupt you to ask permission to go to a friends house or what’s for dinner, you don’t have to answer. Just let them know you will have time for them at your break time. They will respect you and learn your schedule.
A work at home schedule can provide much more flexibility.
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