Feeling Stuck In Life, How To Get Unstuck

feeling stuck in life

Occasionally or maybe every day you may be feeling stuck in life.

If you’re like me and at times feeling stuck in life, you might think thoughts like:  “What am I doing?.. Why am I here? … How did I get here?”

So you’ve got big hopes and dreams.  You’re not where you want to be and you feel stuck where you are.  You feel unmotivated, maybe bored.  All you want to do is either sleep all day or sit on the couch.

So what can you do?

Sometimes, it seems like people on TV have more interesting lives.  Is there a little bit of jealousy?  Or … It’s hard to find the energy to get moving and work on you!  But you really, really want to.  Don’t you?

Certainly we’ve all been there.  Feeling Stuck, confused, anxious, afraid or even worthless.

Feeling stuck is just a label.  Recognize it and learn to relax and take control back.

So what to do?

When I’m feeling stuck I see what I can do to get going.


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feeling stuck in life

Here’s some bright ideas on things you can do to get a move on:

      1. Identify what is making you feel stuck:  Is it a job you don’t like, the weight you can’t seem to take off, a relationship or no relationship?  Write everything down and take a good hard look.  Consider if you really do want to make a change.
      2. Put one foot in front of the other:  This one’s, one of my favorites because even if you take two steps forward and one step, you are still moving and sooner or later you will be taking more steps going forward.  Sometimes simply getting out of bed is a chore.  But roll over and just put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be walking out the door.

The Chinese proverb makes sense:  “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

      1. Make a list of the positives:  What do you like or love about… your job, your body, your partner.  For example:  you have beautiful hair.  Maybe you have flexibility at work to arrive anytime you want as long as you put in 8 hours.  What are the positives, write them down?
      2. Visualize your ideal day:  Close your eyes and imagine what it would be like if you woke up on your own terms and you decided what you wanted to do, when you wanted to do it?   Have fun with this exercise.get unstuck in life
      3. Spend time with family or friends:  Have friends over for a game night.  Be creative.  If you can’t be together in person, use a computer and zoom and have a virtual happy hour.
      4. Learn to say “NO”:  You don’t have to be a sounding board for everyone else’s problems.  You can be there for support, but your own well-being is important too.  When you’ve had enough, just say so and move on.  It’s ok to say NO.
      5. Be True to yourself:  Who cares what others think of you?  Most of the time other peoples opinion of you or anyone besides themselves is a window into themselves.  They have their own insecurities.  Also, you do not need anyone’s approval to like or love yourself.  You’re worth it.
      6. Break your routine:  Maybe you drive to work the same way every day.  Eat the same thing all the time.  So, wouldn’t it be a good idea to make a change?  Change is good.  You create new neuro-networks in your brain and wa-laa new ideas, new you. Expand your horizons and try something new.
      7. Do a little research:  So you’re not an expert.  Life has thrown you a curve ball and you don’t know what to do.  Seems like we live in a time where we have a zillion experts at our fingertips.  Auntie Google or Uncle Bing are our friends.  I guarantee whatever obstacle is in front of you, someone has dealt with it before you.  So get out your favorite search engine, designate one hour and start the hunt for the answer.  Almost always you will find a starting point to help you get going.
      8. Take some time out and enjoy yourself:  Take a bubble bath or get a manicure or meditate, read a book.  Spend time with your furry friends.  What do  you like to do?  Just do something fun.

So, life is too short to dwell on things that you can’t change or worry about what hasn’t happened.  You don’t want worry or feel sad and wallow in self-pity.  Life is too short to dwell on what you don’t have or what you have not accomplished.  You will not be stuck forever.  Especially if you decide to make a change.

Think about how far you’ve come.  You’re not the same person you were ten years ago, or even one year ago.  What HAVE you done that you’re proud of?  How FAR have you come?  What choices have you made where you thought, “oh yeah, that was smart?”

You’re ok, I’m ok, we’re all ok.  Ok?


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