How To Create A Winning Money Blueprint

money blueprint

What Is Your Money Blueprint? And How Do You Change It?

You can often tell what your money blueprint is by money blueprintlooking at your bank account.  Does it ever seem to get a little ahead and then suddenly you findyourself back in the same financial situation you’ve always been in?  Do find yourself living paycheck to paycheck?  Or does money come easily to you? 

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have plenty of money and others struggle financially?  If you think it’s about education, intelligence, or luck, you’d be wrong.  

All of us carry some type of belief about money, often carrying these personal beliefs form a money blueprint we carry all our lives.  And the personal blueprint often contributes to your financial lives.  Why aren’t you wealthy?  What are your beliefs about money?

Whatever you think about money, once you figure out what your money blueprint is, then it becomes much easier to focus and change it for the better.  Otherwise you may stay in the same rut all your life.  

“Very few people can afford to be poor.” — George Bernard Shaw

Money Beliefs

Do you believe you have plenty or do you worry you’ll never have enough?  Being good with money isn’t just about managing dollars and cents, it’s a state of mind.  Being or becoming wealthy is about your relationship with money and your programming.

Have you ever said or do you believe any of these statements?

      • It takes money to make money
      • Money is the root of all evil
      • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
      • Money doesn’t grow on trees
      • I’m just not good with money
      • Money can’t buy happiness
      • I was raised to value people, not money
      • More money, more problems

Every time you heard one of these statements your beliefs about money were drilled into your being.  And the thing is you were probably not even aware of these beliefs because they became deep rooted in your subconscious.   No matter your belief, changing your money mindset and financial well-being is possible.  


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money blueprint

How do you change your money blueprint? 

Re-programming your beliefs around money are just a few thoughts away.  Becoming wealthy is much more than money.  Changes… 

    • Become aware: When you’re aware you can know when you may need to pivot.  When you have scarcity thoughts you can choose to switch to more prosperous thoughts.  Instead of thinking you don’t have enough money consider how grateful you are for everything you DO have.  
    • Watch your language:  Do you ever use phrases like, “I can’t go out to eat, I’m broke”.  Think about what you say.  Are you truly broken? Or maybe not having enough money is just a temporary situation.  You have money to go out to eat, you just choose to use the money for something else.  Language is a powerful thing.  So next time you decline an invitation and your funds are tight, instead just say, “no thank you”  
    • What are your money and financial goals? Do you just live paycheck to paycheck or do you save for a goal?  Save for retirement?  Do you have any goals?  To achieve your goals, you should think about what you want, write them down and go for them.  
    • Create new money habits:  Invest in yourself, like every time you get paid, do you pay yourself first?  Even $5 every payday going into savings will build your money muscles.  
    • Take a close look at your earning potential:   Are you satisfied where you’re at or have you considered earning more money?  Have you asked for a promotion at work?  Have you considered starting a business on the side to earn extra money or replace your job? What steps have you taken to make a change?

What is your money blueprint? … How you change it is entirely up to you.  Believe you are worth it and you can change your financial situation for the better.


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