7 Things To Create A Total Life Change 

Life Change 

Are You Ready For A Life Change?

If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that a total life change is something we all have to deal with.  2020 has thrown more at us in one year than at any other time in recent history.  Most likely if spaceships full of dinosaurs landed on Earth we probably wouldn’t be surprised at all. 

What better way to make a total life change than to take action and create more positive transformations in your life. Instead of being a victim of change, we can do some things to go down a path to achieve some of our dreams and goals. 

Life is about choices and taking action to make a total life change possible with baby steps.  It doesn’t have to be scary.  Opportunities to make a total life change is a real possibility to live a happier and more fulfilled life.  

So, how can one make a total life change?

Here are 7 things that you can do:

    • Discover your dream

Life is meant to be enjoyed.  We all have dreams.  Over time we often forget about them and put them on the back burner just to deal with everyday life.  It’s time to dust off the cobwebs and discover your dreams again.  Who knows you just may discover some new ones. Don’t be afraid to dream big.


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life change

Take time to daydream and remember anything is possible. 

    • What do you want? 
    • Where do you want to be? 
    • Who do you want to spend your time with? 
    • What would make you happy? 

Spend some time and dream.  

To help you more read this blog post:  What is a Dream? 

    • Set goals to achieve your dreams.

Now that you’ve been working on the dreams you want, it’s time to work on achieving them. 

How to set some goals?

Set some short term and long term goals.  Remember goals should be reasonable and achievable.  Since there can be some unexpected changes remember to go with the flow and be prepared to pivot.  

Read more about reaching your goals with this blog post: How To Finally Reach Your Smart Goals  

    • Get out of your comfort zone

Some of the best things in life happen outside of your comfort zone.  The unknown can be scary, but it’s not always going to be unknown.  Once you stretch your limits and learn to live a new way your sense of accomplishment will provide a happiness you may not have experienced before. 

Try something new.  Take a different route to work.  Change your morning routine.  Write that book you’ve always talked about or start a new hobby.  If you’re still a little scared, do something with a friend for support.  You’ll be surprised at how much fun you can have. 

    • Take time for family

I can speak from personal experience that life throws a huge monkey wrench at you and no longer goes in the direction you thought.  Spend time with family while you still  can, because when you no longer have family, your life will no longer be the same. 

Love your family and tell them often.  

    • Forgive yourself 

One of the most impactful things I learned from Wayne Dyer was (I’m paraphrasing) “the two useless emotions are worry and guilt” 

Worry because it hasn’t happened yet.  And guilt because it has already happened and you can’t change it.  This wisdom has stuck with me for decades and has totally transformed my life.  

Remember if mistakes are made, it’s important to forgive yourself.  Learn from your mistakes and move on. 

I have news for you, no one is perfect.  Beating yourself for a mistake gets you nowhere.  Accept that and find the courage to love and forgive yourself.  You deserve a great life.  

    • Take Action

Identify what you want to change.

Once you have a dream and a goal it’s time to take action.  Nothing happens if all you do is dream.  Simply wishing is not going to get it done.  Write things down. 

What steps can you do to move forward?  It may not happen overnight but little things can help you get to the finish line.  Go for it!

    • Celebrate successes

One of the best things is to celebrate the successes.  You can celebrate steps along the way as well as the final goal.  Once you do xyz, allow yourself to go on a bike ride or go to a movie or enjoy lunch with a friend or binge watch fun cat videos. 

Rewards don’t always have to cost money, but they are an important step in your total life change. 

Make the changes you’ve always wanted to have a better life for you and your family.  

Are you ready for a total life change?  You deserve a great life!

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