A Positive Life Is A…
A positive life can be a happy life. How you decide to live your life contributes to your well-being. Also, when you’re happy and positive people enjoy being around you.
Your physical and mental health are affected by a positive life too. Emotions can either raise or lower your stress levels and blood pressure. Stress leads to being more prone to getting sick and other hardships. Feeling negative about everything is no fun and people in your circle really don’t like it.
Thinking negatively leads to more and more negative thinking and assigning blame when things go wrong. Negative thoughts sets one up for failure.
One can decide positivity. The power of positive thinking may seem like just a cliche, but it really can work wonders on your self-esteem, overall mood and your life.
Here are 9 ways to help you live a positive life
- Be comfortable in your own skin.
Accept yourself as you are. No one is perfect. You don’t do yourself any good if when you look in the mirror and you want a different nose, or your earlobes are too low or the shade of your skin is not quite right.
The first step is to be happy just the way your are. Love yourself just the way you are. Every single person has insecurities. Even celebrities and models. Happiness comes from within, not with your looks or money or stuff.
Love yourself!
- Turn failures into lessons
Everyone will make mistakes, it’s just a matter of what you do when you make a mistake. We often learn much more from our mistakes. Instead of dwelling on a failure, what can you learn from the experience?
Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”
- Find positive friends
Surround yourself with positive people. Of course people can’t be positive 24/7, but in general people in your circle should be grounded and upbeat. Negativity is contagious and can bring you down. The reverse is true too. Positivity is contagious too. So, choose your friends wisely.
- Appreciate what you DO have
Be thankful. It’s easy to look around you and see others with more than you have or maybe they have a “perfect” life, but you will never be truly happy looking outside yourself.
If you compare yourself to others, wishing and hoping for something else it will be pretty difficult to be “happy”. Chances are you’re only seeing a facade anyway. That “perfect” life your neighbor has probably is full of flaws.
When you’re thankful for what you do have, more abundance is drawn to you. There is always a bright side to most every situation.
Build your thankful muscles: Before you go to bed at night, list things you are grateful for. Maybe it’s the nice warm bed you’re sleeping in or the roof over your head, maybe it’s your full belly or that you have two legs and two arms. There are others who don’t have these basics. Make a habit of being grateful everyday.
- Laughter is the best medicine
When you’re down in the dumps, laughter can do wonders. Watch funny cat videos, listen to stand-up comics or funny tv. Laughter releases ‘feel good’ hormones in the brain. Laughter can get you out of funk. Try it, you’ll like it.
- Include positive affirmations
Life is meant to be enjoyed. Wanting more is only natural. Positive affirmations is a great way to begin your day. Take the opportunity to train your brain to be stronger, Click to read our blog post Do Affirmations Really Work?
Learn from a failure or a bad experience and never repeat the same mistake. Every setback and bad situation in life teaches you something. Growth doesn’t happen in comfort. Take it as an opportunity to train your mind to be focused and stronger, to be more equipped to deal with things life throws at you or achieve your biggest dreams. You deserve the best. Expect the best!
Affirmation: “I deserve the best, I expect the best”
- Find something you love to do
If you love something it will not be work. Make a list of everything you like and make it a mission to do these things. Enjoy your life! You only get one
- Practice makes perfect, or does it?
Reinforcing positive living requires practice. The more you do it, the better you’ll be at it. Then, one day when you’re in the midst of a crisis, you’ll find that the first thing that comes to your mind is not what can go wrong, but how can I use my strengths to overcome this adversity.
The award winning coach Vince Lombardi has a different view “practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect” In other words any old practice will not do. If you want to be better at something you should practice it the right way. If you do make mistakes, you should learn from them. If you keep practicing something the wrong way and never course correct you never learn. Practice over and over again when you have mastered perfect and perfect will be second nature.
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- Let Go
When I was in college we were required to read a book. This book had a message that stuck with me ever since. The book was written by Wayne Dyer, basically, he said there are two useless emotions: worry and guilt.
It’s useless to worry about something that hasn’t happened yet.
It’s useless to feel guilty about something that has already happened.
Think about that! If something hasn’t happened yet how can worrying about it help anything? If something has already happened, does feeling guilty change the outcome?
Not in the least
Trying to control any situation and you lose. When you let go, life becomes much easier and you breathe a little better.
Sometimes life gets overwhelming. Life throws the unexpected our way. How we choose to react defines us. If we decide to see the good in the situation makes living much more sweet.
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